Web-Based Control System Analysis and Design

Append Interconnection


Member function append() group two LTI models by appending their inputs and outputs. It returns a block-diagonal, unconnected LTI model. The function appends the inputs and outputs of the LTI models Sys1 and Sys2, which are represented in state space models as (A1,B1,C1,D1) and (A2,B2,C2,D2), to form the resulting model Sys. The matrices of state space model (A,B,C,D) of Sys with n submodels is shown as below.
If the systems are created in other models rather than state space, they will be changed to state space models by Ch Control System Toolkit automatically.
second System 1:
A matrix=

B matrix=

C matrix=

D matrix=

System 2:
Numerator inputs:
s +

Denominator inputs:
s^(3) + s^(2) + s +

Please choose models for two systems:

System type:

          Discrete-time with the sampling time of second
System 1:
  1. Transfer-function (specify the number of coefficients of numerators and denominators below)
       Numerator number :   Denominator number :
  2. Zero-Pole-Gain (specify number of zeros and poles below)
       Zero number :   Pole number :
  3. State-space (specify matrix dimension for A,B,C and D below)

        Dimension of matrix A: X
        Dimension of matrix B: X
        Dimension of matrix C: X
        Dimension of matrix D: X  

System 2:
  1. Transfer-function (specify the number of coefficients of numerators and denominators below)
       Numerator number :   Denominator number :
  2. Zero-Pole-Gain (specify number of zeros and poles below)
       Zero number :   Pole number :
  3. State-space (specify matrix dimension for A,B,C and D below)

        Dimension of matrix A: X
        Dimension of matrix B: X
        Dimension of matrix C: X
        Dimension of matrix D: X  

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