Academic Grant Program for Embedded Ch Toolkit
As a faculty member or instructor in a non-profit educational institution, you can apply for a special academic price for Embedded Ch and for platforms of your choice, to be used in your teaching and research programs. If your application is approved by SoftIntegration, you can buy Embedded Ch Standard Edtion $99 or Embedded Ch Professional Edition for $299 per machine. It will be a perpetual license with no run time distribution. Usually, Embedded Ch Standard Edtion is enough for Mobile-C or any other projects. The difference between Embedded Ch Standard Edition and Embedded Ch Professional Edition can be found here.

You must be a faculty member or instructor in an academic institution to be qualified for this application.

Please read the terms and conditions for the academic grant program for Embedded Ch. If you accept these terms and conditions, please submit your application below.

Please submit with contact information. Fields with an * are required.
*Name * First:
* Last:
* Organization:
* Address1:
* City:
* State/Province:
* Zip/Postal Code:
* Country:
*Daytime Phone: Ext.
Please include only one email address and type carefully.

* What is your personal/lab/project/department homepage in your school?

Please select platforms for Embedded Ch.
Mac OS X

Please select Embedded Ch Standard or Professional Edition
  Embeded Ch Standard Edition
Embeded Ch Professional Edition

* Please select the following options that may apply to you.
  Add a link to SoftIntegration's website
Email posting to instructors/students or school newsgroup
Plan to publish an article
Develop courseware based on Ch
Provide user story or quote for SoftIntegration if project has Embedded Ch integrated

* Please give detailed information including a web site about your research or teaching programs in which Embedded Ch will be used. You can also specify the number of Embedded Ch licenses you need.