A Quick Introduction to NI-DAQ
Status Codes
- Each NI-DAQ C function is of the following form:
status = Function_Name(parameter 1, parameter 2, ..., parameter n);
- Each function returns a value in the status variable that indicates the success or failure of the function as shown below.
Status |
Result |
Negative |
Function did not execute because of an error. |
Zero |
Function completed successfully. |
Positive |
Function Executed but with a potentially serious side-effect. |
Primary Data Types
- NI-DAQ data types
Type Name |
Description |
C Type |
U8 |
8-bit ASCII character |
char |
I16 |
16-bit signed integer |
short |
U16 |
16-bit unsigned integer |
unsigned short |
I32 |
32-bit signed integer |
int |
U32 |
32-bit unsigned integer |
unsigned int |
F32 |
32-bit single-precision floating point |
float |
F64 |
64-bit double-precision floating point |
double |
BASIC or Pascal character string |
char * |
HI_DAQ_Mem or DSP Memory handle |
long |
Basic Functions
- i16 Timeout_config(i16 deviceNumber, i32 timeout);
Function Timeout_config() is used to establish a timeout limit that is used by the synchronous functions to ensure that these functions will eventually return control to the software application.
- deviceNumber refers to the number that the computer assigns to the
data acquisition board as a label.
- timeout is the number of timer ticks. The duration of a tick is 55 ms, and there is approximately 18 ticks/s.
- i16 DAQ_Op(i16 deviceNumber, i16 chan, i16 gain, i16 buffer, u32 count, f64 sampleRate);
This function performs a synchronous, single-channle DAQ operation in order to acquire A/D conversion samples and stores them in a buffer.
- deviceNumber refers to the number that the computer assigns to the
data acquisition board as a label.
- chan refers to the analog input channel number.
- gain is the gain setting to be used for the specified channel.
- buffer is an integer array or an NI_DAQ_MEM array.
- count is the number of samples to be acquired.
- sampleRate is the desired sample rate in units of pts/s.
- DAQ_Op() does not return control to the application until NI-DAQ acquires all the required sample or until an acquisition error occurs.
- i16 DAQ_VScale(i16 deviceNumber, i16 chan, i16 gain, f64 gainAdjust, f64 offset, u32 count, i16 *binArray, f64 *voltArray);
Function DAQ_VScale() converts the values of an array of acquired binary data and the gain setting for that data to actual input voltages measured.
- deviceNumber refers to the number that the computer assigns to the
data acquisition board as a label.
- chan is the on-board channel or AMUX channel on which the binary data was acquired.
- gain is the gain setting at which NI-DAQ acquired the data in binArray
- gainAdjust is the multiplying factor to adjust the gain.
- offset is the binary offset that needs to be subtracted from the readingo.
- nidaqExtRetType NIDAQErrorHandler(i16 iStatus, char *strFuncName, i16 iIgnoreWarning);
Function NIDAQErrorHandler() displays an error message when an error occurs in the NI-DAQ application.
- iStatus is the error code of the particular error that occurred.
- strFuncName is the name of the function that caused the error.
- iIgnoreWarning is a flag for ignoring a warning message.