C/Ch program output.cpp sends digital and analog outputs to a K8055 USB board

/* File name: output.cpp. This program shows how to write digital and analog outputs to a K8055 USB board. Created by Rudy Elyn, info@re-applications.be */ #include <K8055D_C.h> #include <stdio.h> void Delay() { // Make the changes visible long lngDelay; for(lngDelay = 0; lngDelay < 100000; lngDelay++) { } } int main() { int intCardAddress = 0; // USB card address int intCount; int intDigitalOut = 1; // Init First Output bit int intAnalogValue; long lngDelay; OpenDevice(intCardAddress); //Open card for(intCount = 0; intCount < 8; intCount++) { Delay(); WriteAllDigital(intDigitalOut << intCount); } Delay(); intAnalogValue = ReadAnalogChannel(1); printf("Analog Value Channel 1 = %d\n", intAnalogValue); Delay(); OutputAnalogChannel(1, 30); OutputAnalogChannel(2, 150); Version(); ClearAllAnalog(); ClearAllDigital(); CloseDevice(); return 0; }