
The CResponse::getBuffer function retrieve the current value of the Buffer property.

bool getBuffer();

Return Type

If page output is buffered, true is returned. Otherwise, false is returned.




This function retrieves the current value of the Buffer property of the object. When page output is buffered, the server does not send a response to the client until all of the server scripts on the current page have been processed, or until the CResponse::flush, CResponse::end or CResponse::exit function has been called.

The function of CResponse::setBuffer can set the current value of the Buffer property of the object.

The Buffer property cannot be set after the server has sent output to the client. For this reason, the call to CResponse::setBuffer should be done before the CResponse::begin function is invoked.

Differences Between Ch-CGI and Ch-ASP

In Ch-CGI, the output is not buffered by default. In Ch-ASP, the output is buffered by default.

See Also

CResponse, CResponse::setBuffer, CResponse::flush, CResponse::end, CResponse::exit,
