Member Functions of CResponse Class

Member functions of CResponse class implement the methods of the Response object.

Function Description
CResponse::addCookie Adds a specified cookie with attributes
CResponse::addHeader Adds a HTTP header to the HTTP response.
CResponse::begin Begins to send output. Mandatory in Ch-CGI and for Ch-CGI only
CResponse::end Ends standard output. For Ch-CGI only
CResponse::exit Causes the server to stop processing a script and return.
CResponse::flush Sends buffered HTML output immediately.
CResponse::getBuffer Retrieves the value of the Buffer property.
CResponse::getCacheControl Retrieves the value for the CacheControl property.
CResponse::getCharSet Retrieves the value for the CharSet property.
CResponse::getContentType Retrieves the value of the ContentType property.
CResponse::getExpires Retrieves the value of the Expires property.
CResponse::getExpiresAbsolute Retrieves the value of the ExpiresAbsolute property.
CResponse::getStatus Retrieves the value of the Status property.
CResponse::PICS Adds a value to the PICS label field of the Response header.
CResponse::redirect Causes the browser to attempt to connect to a different URL.
CResponse::setBuffer Sets the value of the Buffer property.
CResponse::setCacheControl Sets the value of the CacheControl property.
CResponse::setCharSet Sets the value of the Charset property.
CResponse::setContentType Sets the value of the ContentType property.
CResponse::setExpires Sets the value of the Expires property.
CResponse::setExpiresAbsolute Sets the value of the ExpiresAbsolute property.
CResponse::setStatus Sets the value of the Status property.
CResponse::title set the title of an HTML page. For Ch-CGI only

See Also

Index, CRequest, CServer, CCookie