
The CResponse::setExpires function sets the value of the Expires property.

int setExpires(
int expiresMinutes // containing the new Expires value in munite

Return Type

Upon successful completion, zero is returned. Otherwise, a value of non-zero is returned.


An integer containing the new Expires value in minute.


This function sets the value of the Expires property of the object. If the user returns to the same page before it expires, the cached version is displayed. If this property is set more than once on a page, the shortest time is used.

The CResponse::getExpires function can retrieve the Expires property of the object

If the property is never set before it is called, INT_MAX will be returned by CResponse::getExpires. In this case, the return value does not make sense.

See Also

CResponse, CResponse::getExpires, CResponse::getExpiresAbsolute, CResponse::setExpiresAbsolute,
