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ChIDE Frequently Asked Question

How can I change the displayed font size to make it bigger for classroom presentation?

Under the menu "Views", click "Change Font Size" to change the font size.

How can I make the Debug Console Window not always on the top?

Under the menu "Views", click "Debug Console Window Always On Top" to toggle the feature of making the Debug Console Window always on the top.

How can I close the Debug Console Window?

Under the menu "Views", click "Debug Console Window" to close Debug Console Window.

Can I turn off the Debug Console Window when running in the debug mode?

The Debug Console Window is for input and output of a program executed in the debug mode. The Debug Console Window cannot be turned off when the program is executed in the debug mode. You can click "Run" to run the program not in the debug mode, without seeing the Debug Console Window.

How can I run a program with command line arguments?

There are three different methods to run a program with command line arguments.
  1. You can pre-set command line arguments. Under Tool|Command Line Arguments, you can put your command line arguments in four entries. Each entry can have multiple command line arguments.
  2. You can type the command such as " arg1 arg2 arg3 arg4 arg5 arg6" in the output pane.
  3. In the debug command pane at the debug prompt, type
    debug> start arg1 arg2 arg3 arg4 arg5 arg6

If I want to use, say MingW as a compiler in Windows, what would I need to setup for ChIDE to invoke it?

First, you need to set the pathes for commands, header files, and libraries in the start-up file _chrc in the home directory for Mingw. You can modify the pathes similar to those for Visual C++ settings. Then in the file CHHOME/chide/, change the commands "cl", "link", and "nmake" in the the following lines to the eqvivalent MingW commands.
cc=ch cl
ccc=ch cl
link=ch link
make.command=ch nmake
You may also need to change relevant command line options.

When a Windows application program is executed, it gives the error message "RegisterClass() failed: Cannot register window class."

You need to unregister a registered class by calling the Windows API UnregisterClass() as shown by programs in the directory CHHOME/toolkit/demos/OpenGL/Windows/.

Where should I post my questions and suggestions?

For questions and suggestions related to Ch and ChIDE, post it in Ch User Group.